Monday, September 18, 2006

Longer Story

When I said I wasn't going to have much time to post I had no idea that I was going to get mono and be stuck in my room. So since I have all of this time to sit and do nothing but homework I figured I would start posting one of the longer stories I have been working on. I'm not going to guarantee that it will progress at any certain speed but I'll do what I can. Let me know what you think of it because I'm always open to suggestions.

Hunting Accident

Corri sat at a corner booth in Martha's Cafe sipping her coffee. The last few days had been hard on her and this morning Rance had pointed out that it was starting to show. She wasn't the only one taking it hard though. The worry in Sam's voice had all but reached out and smacked Corri when she'd talked to her on the phone.

Sam walked in and sat down across from Corri. She ordered a cup of coffee and then just sat with her eyes closed warming her hands on the cup.

"You should have seen her Sam. Its never been this bad before. Next thing you know she's gonna end up in the hospital." Corri started to shake just thinking about her sister's bruised body.

"He has to be stopped. Since we can't get Andi to leave him he has to go." Sam knew that Corri agreed with her, she just didn't know how they'd get rid of him.

"I know. That's why I called you. Me and Rance have a plan but we're going to need you and Jess's help."

"Okay, what's the plan?"

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