I stand in the kitchen doing dishes watching out the window as a dust devil meanders through the farmyard. Every ten minuets or so the tractor comes into view, clouds of dust billowing from the disc. It has been months since we've seen any serious rain and the canals went dry weeks ago. Last year was called the worst year ever but this one beats it by far. The big operation planted more wheat and stayed away from the water loving crops like potatoes but we can't afford to do that. The potatoes are small, the few that have even grown and the grain is only mediocre. The phone rings. It's my mother-in-law.
Have I seen Dad?
No I haven't. Not since yesterday night when he parked the tractor.
Do I know hwere he is?
She hasn't seen him since breakfast and he isn't answering on the radio. Neither is my husband. Maybe her radio isn't working. Will I run out to the field and see if he has heard her or if he's seen Dad?
Yes of course I will.
I put on my jacket even though it is warm out and wander into the field. The next time he comes to my end my husband stops the tractor and lets me in. Has he heard his mom's calls on the radio?
No the radio has been quiet all day.
Well has he seen Dad?
Not since last night.
Does he know where he is today?
No, probably just making sure everthing is ready for winter. Just wait till lunch, Dad won't miss lunch.
My husband radios Dad but dosn't get a response. He lets me out and I walk back to the house. I sart washing the dishes again and the phone rings.
Have I gone out to the field?
Yes and the radio must not be working. My husband can't get anything either.
Does he know where Dad is?
No but he's sure that Dad will be in for lunch.
Am I still coming down after lunch to can apple sauce?
Yes of course. I finish washing the dishes and go out to bring in the laundry. I don't konw why I wash it. Just as soon as I hang it out it is full of dust again. I bring it in and start to fold it. My husband comes in for lunch and I make him tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. After we eat he goes back out to the field and I put on my jacket. I pick up the three bags full of apples that I gathered from our tree and walk the three quarters of a mile to my mother-in-laws house. I go in the back door and she is staring out the kitchen windo.
Dad didn't come in for lunch. Where could he be? Can I walk out to the field and ask my husband to go look for him?
Yes I can. I'll be back in a bit. As I pass the machine shop I see Dad's dirt bike. I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier. I open the door and Dad swings in the breeze. He's gone the way of the small family farm.
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